314 Boden Avenue
Carnegie, PA 15106
We have offices in both Pittsburgh and Denver, and serve the surrounding areas.
(click on an office location for directions)
RPG Resources, a System One company, is committed to guiding client’s projects toward success in a safe, efficient and environmentally responsible manner. At the core of RPG, we believe in a set of values that drive our staff and each project we complete:
“People are the single most important ingredient in the recipe for success”: At RPG, our employees and the communities in which we work are paramount to every task we complete. We continuously work to develop opportunities for staff and clients to encourage excellence and safety in the workplace. We also strive to foster relationships with the communities through respect and social responsibility. We are a team and no one individual is able to be held above the needs any other.
“Be the person you want standing next to you”: We believe that a truly safe workplace stems from empowering people to be proactive while avoiding complacency and to be responsible for not only their own well-being but for those around them as well. With this in mind, we put forward a safety policy which allows personnel to declare a situation unsafe for work, utilize stop work authority, and to reassess the situation before moving forward.
“It is a collective and individual responsibility to preserve the world in which we all live”: RPG is committed to preserving the environment by guiding clients through compliance standards. Using our knowledge and expertise, we will assist our clients in reducing their environmental impact while completing the project with efficiency and accuracy.
“Opportunities increase when you help others win”: We believe that our work relationships extend beyond the workplace and, as a result, uphold the values of RPG and our clients at all times in our lives. In doing so we can foster teamwork allowing us to move forward with our tasks together in a safe, timely manner. We will always put our client’s needs first on any project!
Sarah Ireland
Office Manager
(412) 857-5270
Joe Kasper
Finance Manager
(412) 857-5255
Frank Gagliardo
Environmental Health & Safety Manager
(412) 857-5270
Dave Schuster
Operations Manager
(412) 857-5270
Josh Sonetti
Operations Manager
(724) 759-0065
Joe Schultz, P.E.
Business & Engineering Manager
Rockies Region
Russell Beam, MS
Environmental Manager / sUAS Remote Pilot
Rockies Region
Ethan Hurley
Telecommunication Operations Coordinator
(585) 301-2787